Dia 1 de setembro
Esse dia ficou marcado pela morte de quase 3 mil pessoas, entre civis e militares, após ataques terroristas que atingiram as regiões de Nova York, Washington e Pensilvânia. Nesse dia, quatro aeronaves de passageiros foram sequestradas por terroristas da organização islâmica Al-Qaeda.
Em 1º de setembro de 1939, as tropas alemãs invadiram a Polônia. Apesar das inúmeras exigências para que se retirassem do território polonês, elas permaneceram. Com a recusa alemã em cumprir as exigências, Inglaterra e França declararam guerra contra a Alemanha, desencadeando a Segunda Guerra Mundial
Terminologia do genshin é
Celestia: A mysterious place that floats in the sky and is said to be where the gods reside and where humans may ascend if they obtain godhood.
Archon: A god who is or was a member of The Seven and presides or presided over one of Teyvat's seven nations.
God: A mighty being.
Dragon: A powerful elemental being.
Adeptus: A powerful being who follows Rex Lapis or is otherwise associated with those who do.
Illuminated Beast: A powerful creature. Many are also adepti.
Allogene: Someone who has received a Vision and thus has the potential to ascend to Celestia.
Vision: An object bestowed upon someone that allows them to use elemental powers. It is believed that Visions are granted by the gods.
Delusion: An object bestowed upon someone by the Tsaritsa that allows someone to use elemental powers without or in addition to a Vision.
Archon War: A period of time in which gods fought. The start date is unknown, but the end date was 2000 years ago. The outcome was the crowning of the original seven Archons.
Cataclysm: An event that occurred 500 years ago that spanned all of Teyvat and involved the destruction of the godless nation of Khaenri'ah.
Outlander: Often refers to an ordinary foreigner in any nation, such as in the Outlander Affairs Agency. Notably, the Unknown God addresses the Traveler and Traveler's Sibling as outlanders in the cinematic shown at the beginning of the game and specifically mentions their "journey" when they were attempting to leave Teyvat, which makes it possible that outlander can also refer to world travelers
Sla raiden mata td
Geometry dash é
Lose your self
chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better
You can do anything you set your mind to, man
Eminem (=
Kkk e o q?
Minions azuis racistas