Qual seu nível de conhecimento sobre o Present Continuous? (Inglês)

Qual seu nível de conhecimento sobre o Present Continuous? (Inglês)

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Imagem de perfil user: Luan Behling Bohlke
Luan Behling Bohlke



Qual das respostas abaixo completa corretamente a frase "The Students _________ To a Party." (To Go)

The Students Party Going.
The Students Go To A Party.
The Students Are Going To a Party.

Qual Frase Faz Uma Representação da Frase "I am drinking tea."


Qual Frase Abaixo Se Encontra No Present Continuous?

We generally travel to Brazil in December.
He plays soccer very well.
I’m studying for our math test on Monday.

Qual Das Imagens Abaixo Mostra a Frase "They Aren't Studying At The Moment."?


Completa a Frase Corretamente "The House _________ Down." (To Ruin).

The House Are Ruining Down
The House Is Ruining Down.
The House Are To Ruin Down

Qual das Imagens NÃO Representa a Frase: "It is raining right now."


Qual Alternativa está Incorreta?

Do I being evil with your son?
Do I being evil with your son?
I am not being evil with my son.

Qual Imagem Se Adequa a Sentença "The baby is sleeping. He is so calm."


Identifique Qual Das Sentenças NÃO Possui Present Continuous

I work in London.
The dog is running like crazy!
You are eating a hamburger.

Qual das Sentenças Abaixo Inclui O Present Continuous Em Forma Negativo

I Am Happy.
You aren't eating well.
You Don't Look Good.
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