Quanto você conhece as músicas da banda Backstreet Boys

Quanto você conhece as músicas da banda Backstreet Boys

Faça o teste e descubra se você realmente conhece as músicas da banda!

Imagem de perfil user: Adriene Alcantara
Adriene Alcantara


Esta imagem pertence a qual clipe?

Esta imagem pertence a qual clipe?

Show me the meaning of being lonely
O trecho: "That what you have is wrong I heard him promise you forever But forever's come and gone..." pertence a música...

O trecho: "That what you have is wrong I heard him promise you forever But forever's come and gone..." pertence a música...

As long as you love me
I Want It That Way
Larger Than Life
More Than That

Qual das imagens e qual trecho corresponde ao clipe Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely?

Now throw your hands up in the air
Wave'em around like you just don't care
Now throw your hands up in the air Wave'em around like you just don't care
And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
And how you got me blind is still a mystery I can't get you out of my head
There's nowhere to run
I have no place to go
Surrender my heart, body, and soul
How can it be?
There's nowhere to run I have no place to go Surrender my heart, body, and soul How can it be?
Qual música abaixo não temos Kevin Richardson cantando junto com os outros?

Qual música abaixo não temos Kevin Richardson cantando junto com os outros?

Show'em what you're made of

Complete: "All you people can't you see, can't you see How your love's affecting our reality..."

Baby, I don't want to waste another day Keeping it inside, it's killing me...
Every time we're down, you can make it right And that makes you larger than life...
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind Risking it all in a glance...
Became my salvation, salvation through the war ...

Em Drowning, a segunda parte (I can't imagine life without your love Even forever don't seem like long enough) é cantada pelo:

Brian Littrell
Brian Littrell
Nick Carter
Nick Carter
Howie Dorough
Howie Dorough
A.J. McLean
A.J. McLean
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