Quanto você sabe sobre o Halloween?

Quanto você sabe sobre o Halloween?

Quanto você sabe sobre o Halloween? Ricardo - Nicolas - Maria Kurunci - Pedro Pinho

Imagem de perfil user: Ricardo Amorim
Ricardo Amorim


When halloween was created?

When halloween was created?

10 years ago
100 years ago
200 years ago
2,500 years ago
What is the origin of the name Halloween?

What is the origin of the name Halloween?

Hallows: Day / Eve: Fear
Hallows: Home / Eve: Ghost
Hallows: Saint / Eve: Eve
Which tribe invented the tradition?

Which tribe invented the tradition?

How was it originally celebrated?

How was it originally celebrated?

Candles were lit to honor the dead ones.
They dressed up as monsters to scare away bad souls.
It was just a fun thing. for kids
Why are the theme colors orange and black?

Why are the theme colors orange and black?

These are colors that scare away bad souls.
Because orange is the color of pumpkins and black is the color of night
Because Halloween is celebrated in the fall, where the leaves turn orange
Because these are flashy colors
Which alternative are all Halloween symbols right?

Which alternative are all Halloween symbols right?

Candle, boiler, spider and bat
Candle, 41 shoes , furnace and bat
Cauldron, witch and football
Why are masks used?

Why are masks used?

To scare bad children.
For style.
To outwit the spirits so they can keep wandering around without disturbing
Why is candy offered?

Why is candy offered?

Because there is no party without food
Because the lack of sugar leads to low blood glucose
Because the only way to appease the evil spirits was to offer food.
Why is the black cat a symbol of Halloween?

Why is the black cat a symbol of Halloween?

Because cats are offensive, which scares the spirits.
Because the animal captures the magnetic fields removing bad energy from the ambient
Black cats bring bad luck.
Why is Halloween celebrated on October 31?

Why is Halloween celebrated on October 31?

Because it is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
Because 31 is 13 on the contrary, a number of bad luck
For the night lasts longer than the day on that date
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