Questionário ACFT

Questionário ACFT

Concurso para exame ANAC

Imagem de perfil user: Jose Carlos de Rezende Reis



The opposition offered by a coil to the flow of alternating current is called (disregard resistance)

Inductive reactance.

What is the operating resistance of a 30-watt light bulb designed for a 28-volt system?

0.93 ohm.
1.07 ohms.
26 ohms.

Through which material will magnetic lines of force pass the most readily?


A 48-volt source is required to furnish 192 watts to a parallel circuit consisting of three resistors of equal value. What is the value of each resistor?

4 ohms.
36 ohms.
12 ohms.

When referencing resistance in a parallel DC circuit, which of the following statements is true?

The current in amperes can be found by dividing the source voltage in volts by the sum of the resistors in ohms.
The current is equal in all portions of the circuit.
The total current is equal to the sum of the currents through the individual branches of the circuit.

What is the likely result, if any, of servicing and charging nickel-cadmium and lead acid batteries together in the same service area?

Contamination of both types of batteries would occur.
The nickel-cadmium would not be affected, but the lead acid battery could become contaminated.
The electrolytes in each battery are the same, so there are no significant differences.

During discharge, nickel-cadmium batteries will show a lower liquid level than when at full charge because

A chemical action causes the electrolyte to evaporate through the vents.
Current leakage from individual cells causes a rise in temperature.
The electrolyte becomes absorbed into the plates.
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