Questions about arts subject

Questions about arts subject

Follow the questions below About colors

Imagem de perfil user: JENIFER DOS SANTOS



What are warm colors and cool colors?

Warm colors are those that have a greater amount of yellow pigment in their composition, while cold colors have a greater amount of blue pigment.
Warm colors are influenced by blue tones, while cold colors are influenced by Orange tones.
The warm colors are: Green, purple... And cold colors are: yellow, red...

What is chromatic Harmony?

Monochromatic Harmony occurs when the set of colors in a composition varies within a color with several tones.
Is the combination of colors that work well together or juxtaposed and that produces an attractive color scheme.
Analogous Harmony uses three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and that have the same origin.

Why are red, blue and yellow primary tones?

In the arts, we define primary colors as those that cannot be obtained by mixing any other color.
Because these colors can be obtained by mixing no other color.

What are secondary colors?

Secondary colors are colors that are formed by mixing tão primary colors.
Secondary colors are all that begin with the letter a.
Secondary colors are just warm colors Why your tone is predominante.

What are the secondary and tertiary colors?

Secondary: blue, Orange and purple. Tertiary: Orange-red, purplish-brown, greenish-yellow.
Secondary: Green, Orange and purple. Tertiary: orange-red, purplish-blue, greenish-yellow.
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