Questions and Answers: The Space

Questions and Answers: The Space
Test your knowledge of space. 
1.	For what reasons is planet Earth possibly the only planet that has life in the solar system?

1. For what reasons is planet Earth possibly the only planet that has life in the solar system?

Suitable temperature
Proper atmosphere
Has water
Presence of water, atmosphere and appropriate temperature
Atmosphere and water
2.	What is the natural satellite of the Earth?

2. What is the natural satellite of the Earth?

3.	What was the year the man first stepped on the moon?

3. What was the year the man first stepped on the moon?

4.	Why is the earth blue?

4. Why is the earth blue?

Reflects the sky
Because of ozone gas
Because the atmosphere is neutral
Reflects the moon
Reflects the sun
5.	When the temperature is high enough, this huge ball of gas begins to emit light and hydrogen begins to burn. What is the name of this process?

5. When the temperature is high enough, this huge ball of gas begins to emit light and hydrogen begins to burn. What is the name of this process?

Nuclear molecules
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear phenomenon
6.	What is the temperature in the sun's core?

6. What is the temperature in the sun's core?

10 million degrees Celsius
5 million degrees Celsius
15 million degrees Celsius
7.	What is the definition of a black hole?

7. What is the definition of a black hole?

This star is totally theoretical and its existence has not been proven
A shortcut in the universe that connects two distant points in spacetime
A very serious star that sheds a lot of light
A cosmic drain that sucks the matter around you
8.	Who formulated the general theory of relativity?

8. Who formulated the general theory of relativity?

Galileo Galilei
Neil Armstrong
Carl Sagan
Albert Einsten
9.	Is there water on Mars?

9. Is there water on Mars?

Solid state only, as temperatures are too low
Does not exist
According to studies, only in gaseous state
No evidence has yet been found despite several attempts
It exists not only in solid state but also in liquid state.
10.	Which of the following statements is wrong?

10. Which of the following statements is wrong?

The solar system is a sun
Humans plan to colonize Mars one day
Jupiter is a gaseous planet
Planet earth has human life
Neptune is a solar system planet
In 1961, what did Yuri Gagarin take to eat during the first manned flight?

In 1961, what did Yuri Gagarin take to eat during the first manned flight?

Foods rich in vitamin C packed in plastic
Foods processed in packages similar to toothpaste tubes.
Dehydrated Foods
What do astronauts eat at ISS?

What do astronauts eat at ISS?

Dehydrated Foods
Crushed Food
Frozen foods
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