Quiz about culture

Quiz about culture

this quiz is just to y6 students of beacon so if you dont is a y6 beacon student by

Imagem de perfil user: Anna VAZZOLER DE MIRANDA



What is culture?

Culture is something that people do
Culture is composed of traditions that a group of people do in their daily routine.
Culture is a party that a group of people go to.
Culture is a thing that a group of people believe in.

What are some elements of pataxó hã hã hães culture?

Their culture is their kind of house, and their names.
Their culture is their hats, their language, and their clothes and what they do in their everyday routine, The food that they eat, the dances, etc.
Their culture is their Phone.
Their culture is their little waterfall, their animals and their forest.

What is the Quilombo?

A quilombo is a small community that originated from Afro-Brazilians slaves that escaped and made a community together.
A quilombo is a small community of Europeans that got lost, and made a small community together, that had very little communication with the outside world.
A quilombo is a group of people who live away from the population.
A quilombo is a dance that people do.

What is the Quilombo Campinho da Independência culture?

Quilombo campinho da independência culture is their jobs.
Quilombo campinho da independência culture is the people’s names
Quilombo campinho da independência culture is their clothes, their dance, their food, and their artesanatos.
Quilombo campinho da independência culture is their place, and their history.

What is the Caiçara communities culture?

Caiçara communities culture is their fishing, farming, vegetable extraction and their food.
Caiçaras community are the houses that they live
Caiçara community culture is their life
Caiçaras community culture is the forest and the plants
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