Quiz about Global Warming

Quiz about Global Warming

Quiz about global heat, its consequences and prevention.

Is it possible to contain global warming?

Is it possible to contain global warming?

no, but we can decrease it by changing the way we live
yes, by changing the way we live
as a radical measure, which would be the most appropriate?

as a radical measure, which would be the most appropriate?

everyone turn vegan, because the fart of oxen, are the ones that most release C02 gas in the atmosphere and worsening the greenhouse effect
everyone turn vegan, because the fart of pork, are the ones that most release C02 gas in the atmosphere and worsening the greenhouse effect
Thinking about ecology and the effects of global warming, which of the alternatives below are mitigation proposals?

Thinking about ecology and the effects of global warming, which of the alternatives below are mitigation proposals?

Decrease plastic consumption, recycle and drive
Buy sustainable products, buy products that emit less polluting gases, use a car powered by disel
cycling, reducing meat consumption and installing a gas control system
among the risks of heating which are the most serious?

among the risks of heating which are the most serious?

desertification of tropical areas, uncontrolled reproduction of marine species and wear on the water supply
large-scale plant extinction, reduced agricultural yields, large-scale extinction of animals and wear and tear on the water supply
in relation to global warming which alternative is false?

in relation to global warming which alternative is false?

Depletion of fossil fuel reserves
melting glaciers
rising ocean levels
Will the effects of global warming be more felt by?

Will the effects of global warming be more felt by?

Developing countries
developed countries
Countries with many industries
Which of these countries is developing new, less polluting energy sources?

Which of these countries is developing new, less polluting energy sources?

Glaciers, ice sheets and polar caps correspond to what percentage of the Earth's surface?

Glaciers, ice sheets and polar caps correspond to what percentage of the Earth's surface?

If all the ice on Earth were to disappear, sea level would rise approximately?

If all the ice on Earth were to disappear, sea level would rise approximately?

37 Meters
80 Meters
65 Meters
How long does it take for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to disperse?

How long does it take for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to disperse?

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