Quiz about Halloween 🎃

Quiz about Halloween 🎃

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Imagem de perfil user: Maria Eduarda
Maria Eduarda
What is the famous Halloween question ?

What is the famous Halloween question ?

Trick or Treat
Candies or Lollipops
Bullets or Treats
What does the color black represent on Halloween?

What does the color black represent on Halloween?

The death
The connection between summer and winter
The connection between autumn and winter
When is Halloween celebrated ?

When is Halloween celebrated ?

October 31st
November 30th
August 21st
Why Jack didn't enter heaven after his death ?

Why Jack didn't enter heaven after his death ?

Because he was very tall and didn't go through the door
Because he was very nasty
Because he was the devil
At the beginning of the Halloween tradition, why did people wear costumes ?

At the beginning of the Halloween tradition, why did people wear costumes ?

To off away the ghosts
Because they thought it was beautiful
To stay warm
Why the Irish went to the USA ?

Why the Irish went to the USA ?

Because of the gold
Because of the cold
Because of the great famine
Where did the color orange originate in halloween?

Where did the color orange originate in halloween?

The orange fruit, which is widely consumed on Halloween
Of the pumpkin faces and the color of the leaves in autumn
Because the creator of Halloween really liked this color
What was the celebration of All Saints' Day called ?

What was the celebration of All Saints' Day called ?

Sacred day
Has always been called All Saints' Day
What is Jack called in Ireland ?

What is Jack called in Ireland ?

Jack O'Lantern
Turnip jack
Jack of light
What is the meaning of the word HALLOWEEN ?

What is the meaning of the word HALLOWEEN ?

Véspera do dia de todos os santos
Dia das Bruxas
Dia da Abóbora
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