Quiz about Mother's Day

Quiz about Mother's Day

Answers the questions according to the vídeo you just watched. Test to find out How much you've understood about.

Imagem de perfil user: Marina Teixeira
Marina Teixeira



Who is credited as the founder of Mother's Day in the United States?

Ann Reeves Jarvis
Anna Jarvis
Mary Smith

What inspired Anna Jarvis to campaign for Mother's Day?

Her love for her own mother
A desire to promote consumerism
A suggestion from a friend

When did President Woodrow Wilson officially declare Mother's Day as a national holiday in the United States?


What type of clubs did Ann Reeves Jarvis organize to improve health and sanitation in Appalachia?

Mother's Day Work Clubs
Women's Rights Clubs
Mother's Day Clubs

What was one of Anna Jarvis's concerns about Mother's Day after it became a national holiday?

It had become too commercialized
It was too focused on honoring mothers.
It was celebrated on the wrong day.

In what year did Ann Reeves Jarvis pass away, inspiring Anna Jarvis to campaign for Mother's Day?


What did Ann Reeves Jarvis do during the American Civil War era that influenced Anna Jarvis's views on motherhood?

promote peace
She organized Mother's Day parade
She organized Mother's Day works club to teach local women how to properly care for their childrens

What was created in 1868 and what purpose?

Mother's Day Work Clubs - to teach about health and sanitation
Mother's Day parades - take a march
Mother's Friendship Day - mothers got together and promoted peace

What did President Woodrow Wilson say about Mother's Day when he officially declared it a national holiday?

It was a day to honor mothers as "the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world."
It was a day for families to spend time together
It was a day to promote consumerism.
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