Quiz about Punctuation

Quiz about Punctuation
The goal of the quiz is to get the correct score for a given situation or phrase, the rules are quite simple and very similar... Veja mais
Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to comma.

Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to comma.

No of course, not.
No of course not.
No, of course not.
Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the full stop.

Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the full stop.

My car keeps breaking down. I need to take it to a mechanic.
They got together on Christmas Day
Peter always goes to work by bus He never drives to work.
Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the colon.

Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the colon.

There is one question that is nagging me why did she leave the country so suddenly?
John has been to many European countries Spain, France, Italy and Greece.
Edna has three brothers: John, Eric and Paul.
Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the question mark.

Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the question mark.

Are you feeling good
Are you crazy
Did you find the crime scene already turned upside down?
Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the exclamation mark.

Check the alternative with the correct punctuation in relation to the exclamation mark.

Oh my god! Help me
Never talk to me again!
I had not seen you
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