Quiz de inglês!

Quiz de inglês!

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Imagem de perfil user: ET BILU
Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

The neighborhood is snowy
The neighborhood is very noisy
In the neighborhood there is a park
In the neighborhood there is a river
Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

In the neighborhood there is a movie theater
The neighborhood has lots of buildings
The neighborhood is very dark
Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

In the neighborhood there is a mall
The neighborhood has some treed
The neighborhood is in Tokyo
Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

In the middle of the neighborhood there is a river
The neighborhood is crowded
The neighborhood is dark
The neighborhood has a bridge
Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

Select the right answer about the neighborhood in the picture

In the neighborhood there is a bridge over a river
The neighborhood is noisy
The neighborhood has a school
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