Quiz de Inglês 6⁰ano A

Quiz de Inglês 6⁰ano A

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What are the correct examples of the simple present?

What are the correct examples of the simple present?

Play, Studies, Likes, Live, Wants, Is, Hope
Whale, I, No, Yes, English, From.
When the question is with do or does the answer is:

When the question is with do or does the answer is:

Perhaps or More or less
Yes or No
What are the structures of the simple present?

What are the structures of the simple present?

Affirmative, negative, interrogative
Present, future, past
What are the forms of the simple present affirmative?

What are the forms of the simple present affirmative?

Do I work Do You Work Does she\he work and etc
I work You work She\he work and etc.
How is the simple present used?

How is the simple present used?

Is used to query an object humans, life and foods
The simple present is used to describe routine actions, habits, repeated actions, emotions and desires and to give instructions or indications.
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