Quiz de inglês iniciantes

Quiz de inglês iniciantes

Teste suas habilidades de inglês. By Guilherme Marques

Imagem de perfil user: Guilherme Marques
Guilherme Marques

Em qual dessas alternativas o uso do pronome foi ERRADA?

I love eating cakes, so Jake bought one for ME and one for HIM.
I love eating cakes, so Jake bought one for ME and one for HIS.
I love eating cakes, so Jake bought one for MY and one for HIM.
I love eating cakes, so Jake bought one for MY and one for HIS.

O futuro GOING TO foi corretamente usado em qual das frases abaixo?

Traveling is my passion! My friends and I are going to Amazonas next month!
Traveling is my passion! My friends and I is going to Amazonas next month!
Traveling is my passion! My friends and I am going to Amazonas next month!
Traveling is my passion! My friends and I are going Amazonas next month!

Em um restaurante, você quer pedir um vinho branco, um prato macarrão com queijo e batata fritas de acompanhamento, como você diria em inglês?

Hi, I would like to have a white wine, a dish of pasta and cheese and fries as a side, please.
Hi, I would like to have a white beer, a dish of grape and cheese and onions as a side, please.
Hi, I am going to want to have a white beer, a dish of grape and cheese and onions as a side, please.
Hi, I am goint to want to have a white wine, a dish of pasta and cheese and fries as a side, please.

Qual dessas frutas é um PINEAPPLE?


Como traduziria a seguinte frase: "Existem muitas pessoas na praia" (na areia)

Be a lot of people at the beach
There are many people at the beach
There are very people in the beach
Have a lot of people in the beach

Fui ao supermercado e o preço da minha compra foi de U$321,14. Como se pronuncia esse número?

Three hundreds and twenteen one dollars and forty cents
Three hundreds and twenty one dollars and forty cents
Three thousands and twenteen one dollars and forty cents
Three hundreds and twenty one dollars and forteen cents

What is the time? 04:45 pm

A quarter for five in the afternoon
A quarter for five in the morning
A quarter to five in the afternoon
A quarter to five in the morning

Traduza a frase: Julia fez macarrão para o jantar

Julia made pasta for dinner
Julia did pasta for dinner
Julia make pasta for dinner
Julia runs pasta for dinner

Qual estrutura abaixo está Errada?

Do you speak english?
Are we going to have food?
I would buy an iphone, but it is very expensive
Tiko talks a lot to everybody
Nanda have three very cute dogs

O uso do pronome foi correto em:

There was a basket of apples on the table, but they were wasted. I had to throw them away
I love your hair! What did you do to them?
That is Pedro. Do you know his?
Joaquim is my little brother. He likes a girl from school called Ana. He treats it very nicely.
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