Quiz de inglês//

Quiz de inglês//

Quiz de inglês - Maria Flor - Ana Júlia

Imagem de perfil user: Flavio Augusto
Flavio Augusto


Can we consider the pronoun he do designate things?

Can we consider the pronoun he do designate things?

💜 Yes
💜 No
Can we use the pronoun she to refer men?

Can we use the pronoun she to refer men?

🍉 No
🍉 Yes
Is the color above White?

Is the color above White?

🌚🦇 Yes
🌚🦇 No
Is the animal the playpus?

Is the animal the playpus?

◼ Yes
◼ No
Do we use aunt to refer to our parents' sister?

Do we use aunt to refer to our parents' sister?

💙 Yes
💙 No
Do we use the word grandfather to refer to our parents' mother?

Do we use the word grandfather to refer to our parents' mother?

Yes 🌟
No ⭐
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