Valentine days quiz

Valentine days quiz

E um quiz que voce tem que adivinhar como se escreve cada palavra em inglês e algumas datas sera que voce consegue ?

Imagem de perfil user: joao victor bosco da silva



How is the name of this holiday in English ?

Mother day
Valentines day
Father day

in brazil he is celebrated in ?

june 20
june 12

in the United States what day is celebrated ?

february 14 th
february 20 th

Chocolate and flowers are the most common gifts on Valentine's Day so how to speak in English these gifts

chocolate and flower
chocolate and rose

How is English spoken when two people are together ?

boyfriend and girlfriend
husband and wife

How do you ask a person in English dating ?

Date me ?
Do you want to date me ?

The best places to go on Valentine's Day?

park movie restaurant
movie house ney york
park central park movie
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