Quiz em inglês facil

Quiz em inglês facil

é um quiz com perguntas em inglês e você tem que adicionar a resposta correta feito por: Mariana N. Alice A. Ana Júlia V.

Imagem de perfil user: Mariana Nunes Ribeiro
How can we express our feelings?

How can we express our feelings?

Do nothing
Do nothing
keep to you self
keep to you self
pretend not to feel
pretend not to feel
Talr to someone
Talr to someone
When did civilization begin

When did civilization begin

4000 a. C.
4000 a. C.
2000 a. C.
2000 a. C.
7000 a. C.
7000 a. C.
5000 a. C.
5000 a. C.
What to do when you fight with a friends?

What to do when you fight with a friends?

to fight
to fight
changed friends
changed friends
talk politely
talk politely
say that nothing happened
say that nothing happened
choose a right alternative about photo art?

choose a right alternative about photo art?

created accordingto to the artist't vision
created accordingto to the artist't vision
an old portarit
an old portarit
fhoto of an elderly person
fhoto of an elderly person
a randon drawing
a randon drawing
what is Money needed for?

what is Money needed for?

to buy house
to buy house
for food
for food
to buy cars
to buy cars
to buy dolls
to buy dolls
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