Quiz em Inglês sobre a Covid 19!

Quiz em Inglês sobre a Covid 19!

Agora é a hora de você mostrar o que sabe sobre a Covid 19 em Inglês!

Imagem de perfil user: Mundo Beatriz Feliz
Mundo Beatriz Feliz


We have to use mask right?
So what is the corret and polite way to ask a person to wear a mask:

We have to use mask right? So what is the corret and polite way to ask a person to wear a mask:

Put on mask right away, you've not heard it is for use!!!!
Please wear a mask to prevent yourself! Thank you very much!
Do i need to wash my hands?
Or and it's just nonsense?

Do i need to wash my hands? Or and it's just nonsense?

It's not just nonsense!
Yes and i need!
Can we stay out of the house at this moment that we are living?

Can we stay out of the house at this moment that we are living?

Can we keep touching the eyes, mouth and nose?

Can we keep touching the eyes, mouth and nose?

Yes we can!
We can not!
Are medical recommendations important?

Are medical recommendations important?

No, not a bit.
Yes they are, and very.
As we speak: use máscara in English?

As we speak: use máscara in English?

Warh your hands.
Wear face mask.
Now the most sensible thing to do is:

Now the most sensible thing to do is:

Wear a mask, wash your hands and stay at home.
Leave home and stay in agglomeration.
Do you have to protect yourself and your family?

Do you have to protect yourself and your family?

Yes we heave.
No not a bit.
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