Quiz: Harry Potter

Quiz: Harry Potter

Test your knowledge of the Harry Potter book saga and find out if you are a true fan!

Imagem de perfil user: Ju Klein
Ju Klein
When was the first movie released?

When was the first movie released?

Which actor had to be changed in the second film?

Which actor had to be changed in the second film?

Albus Dumbledore
Bellatrix Lestrange
Sirius Black
Lucius Malfoy
What are the full names of the three main characters?

What are the full names of the three main characters?

Haery James Potter, Ronald Abílio Weasley and Hermione Jean Granger
Harry Potter, Ronald Black Weasley and Hermione Rose Granger
Harry Allan Potter, Ronald George Weasley and Hermione Violet Granger
Harry James Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Rose Granger
What are the names of Draco's parents?

What are the names of Draco's parents?

Lucien Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy
Narcissa Black Malfoy and Lucian Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy and Lucian Malfoy
What were the three deathly hallows?

What were the three deathly hallows?

The cloak of invisibility, the Ressurection Stone and the Elder Wand
The Elder Wand, the Horcrux and the cloak of invisibility
The Philosopher's Stone, the Elder Wand and the Horcrux
The Ressurection Stone, the Philosopher's Stone and the Stone of Wisdom
In which Luna Lovegood film was presented?

In which Luna Lovegood film was presented?

Phlosopher's Stone
The order of the Phoenix
Deathly Hallows 2
The Half-Blood Prince
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