Quiz - Modal Verbs

Quiz - Modal Verbs

Este quiz foi feito a fim de reforçar os principais verbos modais: can, should e would.

Imagem de perfil user: Gustavo Manzotti Rabello

She ___________ with you. She doesn’t have a passport.

can travel
is able to travel
cannot travel
could travel

________ we ________here?

Can - parking
Can - be able to
Can - to park
Can - park

She _______________ in an hour or so.

shouldn’t arrive
should have arrived
should not arrive
should arrive

If you want to lose weight you ___________.

shouldn’t go on a diet
should not go on a diet
should have gone on a diet
should go on a diet

________ you________ to come visit me?

Would - like
Would - be able to like
Would - liking
Would - to like

He said he ___________________ her because she is really special for him.

would help
would not help
wouldn’t help
would talk
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