Quiz: modernism

Quiz: modernism

Ana Gabriela 3C, Andrey 3C, Bruna 3C, Samuel 3C

Imagem de perfil user: Bruna Ribeiro
Bruna Ribeiro

1- What country influenced the Brazilian Modernism?

North America

2- Main characteristics of Modernism:

Emphasis on the everyday
Denial of academicism and parnasianism
Renewal of art and language
Sarcasm, cynicism and irony
3- Who painted this painting?:

3- Who painted this painting?:

Tarsila Do Amaral
Graciliano Ramos
Anita Malfatti
Carlos D. Andrade

4- He was a writer аnd diplomat born in Вrаѕіl. The most recent work is Саnаа, released in 1902. He is also соnѕіdеred one of the authors of the mоdеrnіѕm.

Manuel Bandeira
Di Cavalcanti
Graça Aranha
Plínio Salgado

5-The anthropophagic movement was a Brazilian artistic manifestation of the 1920s, founded and theorized by the:

poet Mário de Andrade and painter Di Cavalcanti
Poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade and painter Anita Malfatti
Poet Manuel Bandeira
Poet Oswald de Andrade and painter Tarsila do Amaral.
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