Quiz Password Attack and Insider Threat

Quiz Password Attack and Insider Threat

Quiz about password attack and insider threat.

Imagem de perfil user: Leonardo Buche

Leonardo Buche


1.What is a password attack?

a) A type of computer virus
b) An attempt to guess a password by entering all possible combinations
d) A software program for password management
c) A method of encrypting passwords

2.What is a way to prevent password attacks?

C) Share your password with friends and family
B) Use the same password for all accounts
D) Write down your password and keep it in a visible place
A) Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols for your password

3.What is the most commonly used password?

c) qwerty
b) password
d) admin
a) 123456

4.Which of the following is NOT a recommended password practice?

d) Writing down passwords on a sticky note and leaving it on your desk
c) Using a password manager to generate and store passwords
a) Using a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols
b) Using a unique password for each account

5.Which of the following is a recommended password length?

d) 4 characters
a) 8 characters
b) 12 characters
c) 16 characters

6.Which of the following is a common example of a phishing password attack?

d) Asking a user to change their password on a legitimate website
a) Sending an email with a link to a fake login page
b) Physically stealing a password written down on a piece of paper
c) Guessing a password by trying different combinations

7.What is the term used for a password attack that tries every possible combination of characters until it finds the correct password?

c) Phishing attack
a) Dictionary attack
d) Spoofing attack
b) Brute force attack

8.What is the term used for a password attack that uses a pre-determined list of common passwords to try and guess the correct one?

d) Spoofing attack
a) Dictionary attack
b) Brute force attack
c) Phishing attack

9.Which of the following is a type of biometric authentication?

d) Scanning a fingerprint
b) Entering a PIN code
c) Answering security questions
a) Entering a passphrase

10.Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for securing passwords?

a) Using a password manager
c) Enabling two-factor authentication
d) Keeping passwords confidential and not sharing them
b) Storing passwords in plain text

11.What is an insider threat?

B) An external hacker attacking a system
C) A security vulnerability in software
D) A natural disaster that disrupts business operations
A) An employee or contractor who misuses their access to an organization's systems or data

12.What are some common types of insider threats?

D) Malware infections
C) Social engineering scams
B) Phishing attacks
A) Data theft or sabotage by employees

13.What is the best way to prevent insider threats?

A) Fire all employees and contractors
B) Implement strong access controls and monitoring
D) Provide employees with unlimited access to all systems and data
C) Ignore the problem and hope it goes away

14.What is the principle of least privilege?

A) Granting access based on seniority or job title
C) Making sure all employees have the same level of access
B) Giving all employees unlimited access to all systems and data
D) Providing employees with only the minimum access necessary to do their jobs

15.What is a common method used by insiders to steal data?

D) Using a USB drive or other removable storage device
B) Hacking into the system
C) Sending the data over email
A) Printing the data and physically stealing it

16.In 2018, Facebook fired a security engineer accused of exploiting the privileged information his position accorded him to stalk women online.


17.In 2018, a Twitter employee was alleged to have sabotaged company systems and sent proprietary information to third parties


18.In the 2019 Capital One data breach, a former Amazon engineer retrieved more than 100 million customer records. They exploited their inside knowledge Amazon EC2 to circumvent a misconfigured firewall in Capital One’s cloud server.


19.In 2020, a former Instagram executive was sentenced to 18 months in prison for stealing trade secrets from Google’s self-driving-car division and handed them over to Uber, his new employer.


20.How to prevent insider theater from entering your company?

D) Insider Threat Detection Solutions
C) All solutions mentioned
B) Create a Baseline of Normal User and Device Behavior
A) Enforce Policies
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