Quiz-past continuous

Quiz-past continuous

Vamos ver se você sabe sobre past continuous!


He….(to cry) alone.

a)Were crying
b)Was crying
c)Was cry

Os verbos terminados em “e” são acrescentados o “ing” e retirado o “e”, sabendo disso assinale a alternativa correta:

b) Have=Having
c) Leave=Leavin

Assinale a alternativa cuja a frase no past continous esta correta:

b)she was skate in the park
c)she was skating in the park
a) she were skating in the park

Snow_____lightly. Suddenly a reindeer appeared.

b) was falling
c)is falling
a) fell

Qual a alternativa correta do Past continuous?

c) Was I sleeping when you got home?
b) I was not reading a book
a) They were not studying when the phone rang.
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