![1 Quiz simple present!](/_image?href=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.quizur.com%2Ff%2Fimg5f5a57bcd61306.77834843.jpg%3FlastEdited%3D1599756230&w=600&h=600&f=webp)
Eu como peixe
I drink fish
I eat fish
Eles bebem vinho e comem queijo.
They drink win and eat chese
They drink wine and eat cheese
Nós gostamos de comer pão, manteiga e presunto de manhã.
We like to eat bread, butter and ham at the morning
We like to eat bread, butter and ham in the morning
Ele gosta de refrigerante.
He likes soda
He like soda
Você gosta de tomar café de tarde.
You like to have coffee in the afternoon
You like to drink coffee at the afternoon
Eu tenho uma irmã, um irmão, uma filha, um sobrinho e uma prima.
I have one sister, one brother, one daughter, one nephew and one cousin
I have one sister, one brother, one daughther, one niece and one cousin
Nós não comemos macarrão.
We doesn't eat pasta
We don't eat pasta
Eles não gostam de beber chá e suco.
He doesn't like to drink tea and juice
They don't like to drink tea and juice
John não gosta de batata frita à noite.
He doesn't like potato chips at night
He doesn't likes potato chips at night
Eu não tenho duas avós.
I don't have two grandfathers
I do not have two grandmothers
Vocês gostam de comer frango e arroz?
You like to eat chicken and rice?
Do you like to eat chicken and rice?
Elas bebem suco de maçã ou cerveja?
Do they drink orange juice or beer?
They do drink orange juice or beer?
Nós temos que comer churrasco á noite?
Do we have eat barbecue in night?
Do we have to eat barbecue at night?
Paula come de tarde?
Does she eat in the afternoon?
Do she eat in the afternoon?
Ela gosta de banana e maçã?
Does she like banana and apple?
Does she likes banana and apple?