An educational quiz to test your knowledge about dengue. Have fun!

What are the main symptoms of dengue?
Local pain, fever, fatigue and lack of appetite.
Local pain, uncontrolled urination, lack of energy, yellow spots and coughing.
Fever, pain behind the eyes, uncontrolled urination and elimination of iron from the body.

How do you treat yourself if you have dengue fever?
Vaccination, rest and drinking plenty of fluids. In serious cases, consult the hospital.
Elimination of liquids, use of sleep medications and vaccinations.
Use of medications and fluids for pain and drinking lots of liquids. In serious cases, consult the hospital.

How does dengue prevention work?
Elimination of plastic, lids and open bags, that is, objects that can accumulate water. Cover drains and cover swimming pools.
Elimination of venomous animals such as rats, snakes and caterpillars that carry the disease.
Eliminating objects that can accumulate water, removing animals from the environment, in addition to covering the roofs of the house so that there is less standing water.

How do cases occur in Brazil and Itabira?
Cases occur throughout the country, where the female Aedes Aegypti mosquito transmits the disease.
Brazil is the country with the lowest rate of dengue cases, so there is nothing to worry about.
In Brazil there are millions of confirmed cases, except in the Southeast region, which does not have a favorable climate for its proliferation. The male Aedes Egypt mosquito transmits it through its bite.

Regarding dengue vaccination, answer:
The dengue vaccine can only be administered to people aged 2 to 60 years. It is very efficient and is already used throughout Brazil. There are no side effects.
The dengue vaccine can only be administered to people aged 4 to 60 years. It is very efficient and is already used throughout Brazil. However, it has side effects such as fever, headache and malaise
The dengue vaccine can only be administered to people aged 20 to 60 years. It is not completely effective and is being tested, completing its second year of use.

How can you identify the mosquito Aedes Aegypti?
It is smaller than the usual mosquito, it makes a very irritating sound and it has a black and white pattern in their body.
It is smaller than the usual mosquito, it doesn't make sounds and it has a black and white pattern in their body.
It is bigger than the usual mosquito, it is basically inaudible and it has a black and white pattern in their body.

What are the variations of dengue fever?
The dengue virus is categorized into two types, usually denoted as DENV-1 and DENV-2. However, these types do not have any significant impact on the body of the patient and it does not lead to further hemorrhagic fever.
The dengue virus is categorized into four types, usually denoted as DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. However, these types do not have any significant impact on the severity or manifestations of the disease. Symptoms remain consistent regardless of the type, and there is no evidence to suggest that certain types lead to more severe complications such as dengue shock, dengue hemorrhagic fever, or direct organ involvement like the liver, brain, and heart.
There are four different types of dengue virus, often referred to as DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. These can result in symptoms ranging from the common form of the disease to serious complications such as dengue shock, dengue hemorrhagic fever or directly affecting organs such as the liver, brain and heart.

What are the risk groups for dengue fever?
There aren't any risk groups for the dengue fever.
Pregnant women, adults over the age of 16, with low blood pressure or other serious cardiovascular diseases, etc...
Infants (under 2 years of age), pregnant women, adults over the age of 65, with high blood pressure or other serious cardiovascular diseases, etc...

Can animals get the dengue fever?
Yes, however, the symptoms are exclusive to the human species. They act more as a host of the virus.
No, they cannot get the virus, because they aren't developed enough to suffer from intelectual diseases.
Yes, however, the symptoms are much stronger. They are very susceptible to the virus.

The first clinically and laboratory documented dengue epidemic occurred in 1981-1982. Where did it happen?
Lobito (Angola)
Caracas (Venezuela)
Roraima (Brazil)