Quiz sobre Simple-Present

Quiz sobre Simple-Present

Quiz criado para realização do trabalho de inglês. Integrantes: Renato, Lara, Filipe, Sofia, Sarah, Khalil, Nathã.


What phrase is in simple present? (Qual frase está no presente simples?)

He had finishd
She doesn't like sleep in the heat
Filipe is studying in Canada
Renato is opening a company in canada

Which sentences are in the affirmative mood? (Qual sentença está no modo afirmativo?)

She know who I'am?
We aren't live there.
I'm not going to the park today.
I am going to have an exam tomorrow.

Which sentences are in the interrogative mood? (Quais sentenças estão no modo interrogativo?)

We does play voleibol?
Are do we play voleibol?
Do you play voleibol?
You do play voleibol?

Which sentences are in the negative mood? (Qual sentença está no modo negativo?)

I will not go to the park tomorrow.
I will eat potatos for dinner.
I will go to your house tomorrow
I forgot to do homework

What phrase is in simple present? (Qual frase está no simple present)

You will play very well
He go to school everyday
Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?
Do you are studying?
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