Verbos em inglês

Verbos em inglês

Verbos básicos em inglês

Imagem de perfil user: Curso De Inglês
Curso De Inglês


Ela usa o celular na escola, em inglês

Ela usa o celular na escola, em inglês

She does the phone at school
She use the phone at school
She uses the phone at school
She plays the phone at school
Ela fala espanhol

Ela fala espanhol

She talks Spanish
She speaks Spanish
She talk Spanish
She speak Spanish
Vamos falar com o professor

Vamos falar com o professor

Let's talks to the teacher
Let's talk to the teacher
Let's speak to the teacher
Let's speaks to the teacher
Ele descansa de tarde

Ele descansa de tarde

He sleep in the afternoon
He sleeps in the afternoon
He rest in the afternoon
He rests in the afternoon
Eu preciso da sua ajuda

Eu preciso da sua ajuda

I need of your help
I needs your help
I need the your help
I need your help
Ela faz um bolo delicioso

Ela faz um bolo delicioso

She do a delicious cake
She make a delicious cake
She does a delicious cake
She makes a delicious cake
Ele faz o dever de casa com a mãe

Ele faz o dever de casa com a mãe

He does the homework with the mother
He makes the homework with the mother
He do the homework with the mother
He makes the homework with the mother
Ela compra leite no mercado

Ela compra leite no mercado

She buys milk at the supermarket
She buys drink at the supermarket
She buy milk at the supermarket
She byes milk at the supermarket
Mande mensagem para mim depois

Mande mensagem para mim depois

Text me later
Texts to I later
Text to the me later
Text to me later
Eu aprendo inglês com meus amigos

Eu aprendo inglês com meus amigos

I learns English with my friends
I learn English with my friends
I studies English with my friends
I study English with my friends
Eu sei, eu conheço você!

Eu sei, eu conheço você!

I know, I know you!
I know, I learn you!
I say, I know you!
I know, I meet you!
Ele caminha para a escola de tarde

Ele caminha para a escola de tarde

He goes to school in the afternoon
He goes to school in the afternoon
He walk to school in the afternoon
He walks to school in the afternoon
Eu escuto música em inglês

Eu escuto música em inglês

I listen to English music
I learn English music
I listen English music
I learn to English music
A família assiste TV à noite

A família assiste TV à noite

The family see TV at night
The family watch TV at night
The family sees TV at night
The family watches TV at night
Você limpa o banheiro e ele limpa a cozinha

Você limpa o banheiro e ele limpa a cozinha

You cleans the bathroom and he cleans the kitchen
You clean the restroom and he clean the kitchen
You clean the bathroom and he clean the kitchen
You clean the bathroom and he cleans the kitchen
Por favor, espera por mim

Por favor, espera por mim

Please, waith for me
Please, wayt with me
Please, watch for me
Please, wait for me
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