Racism do you really know how it happens? what is it about let's find out

Racism do you really know how it happens? what is it about let's find out

Racism is social discrimination based on the concept that there are different human races and that one is superior to the others. This notion is based on different motivations, in particular physical characteristics and other traits of human behavior. Here we came to test your knowledge about what you know about this subject ✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 Renata Marcus Lara Stefanie Ana Vitória 9b

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_.Reenata._ St

Is there a difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Prejudice is a form of concept or judgment formulated without any prior knowledge of the subject matter, while discrimination is the act of separating, excluding or differentiating people or objects
There is no difference, they are the same concepts and bring the same meaning
Where did racism arise and what are its causes?

Where did racism arise and what are its causes?

It doesn't really have any causes it doesn't have a certain origin, comments say it came from Europe
The modern origins of racial prejudice date back to the 16th and 17th centuries, a period of maritime and commercial expansion, in addition to the colonization of the American continent. The main cause of racism today is still based on the culture that some people should be subservient to others, a holdover, for example, from the time of slavery.
Do you think education can change racism?

Do you think education can change racism?

Education is one of the main tools against racial discrimination and in favor of the personal, cultural and social insertion of the Afro-descendant population,
Education did not influence anything at all. especially for racism, she doesn't help at all in this situation
Do you think racism is still in disuse?

Do you think racism is still in disuse?

it is possible to argue both yes and no, but an argument to say that no respect is not in disuse and the idea that every day we no longer tolerate
there's no arguments we don't suffer for it

How do you ace racism?

Recognize that racism is a structural problem and, in the face of this, adopt an anti-racist institutional stance
Recognize that racism is a structural problem and, in the face of this, adopt an anti-racist institutional stance
trying to defend oneself without posture, with aggression and cursing and not trying to find a point of support, does not record what happened to a police station
trying to defend oneself without posture, with aggression and cursing and not trying to find a point of support, does not record what happened to a police station
What is the law against racism?

What is the law against racism?

law No.21,076
law No. 7,716
Who created a law against racism?

Who created a law against racism?

Pedro Álvares Cabral
Getúlio Vargas
How should racism be treated?

How should racism be treated?

acknowledge that the problem exists and needs to be more important
If you're going through this, isolate yourself don't gaca nothing let them make fun of you
In what year did racism start in Brazil?

In what year did racism start in Brazil?

racism did not come to Brazil
Racial mobilization movements exist in Brazil or in the 19th century.
Is there more than one type of racism? which ones are they?

Is there more than one type of racism? which ones are they?

not only is there a type of racism that is individual
yes, there is more than one, individual, institutional, cultural, primary, communitarian or differential racism and ecological or environmental racism
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