Red Dead Redemption Quiz
Can you guess all of them or are you a casual to the franchise?

What happens when arthur kills the old lady watson?

Her husband gets out of the cellar and shoots you with a shotgun!

Her sons come home and try to kill you!

What This hermit old woman hides in her bedside shelve?

Half treasure map

Voodoo doll that gives you 5% accuracy

When you find this misterious men, what happens to Arthur Morgan?

Sweet home alabama!

Gives you important info about nightfolk and how to blend in without being notice

Did Lenny had any type of relationship with Jenny?

He loved her ❤️

They were brothers, so when she died he felt like he was all alone and wanted to do the unthinkable

When Dutch meets Colm O'driscoll, what happens to Arthur Morgan?

He kills his bitch ass

He gets k.o and captured by O'driscolls

When Arthur speaks to the nun about GTA6, what was the main cause that lead him to cry like a baby?

They will probably remaster GTA5 for another 100 years with their garbage ass updates, bring me my got damn MONEY

I might die before i play this game, they said that its going to come out in 2025, bitch thats like 100 years