Revisão de inglês

Revisão de inglês

Genitive case; Family Members; textual interpretation; Simple Present and Continuous.

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Dhavillyn Lima

Quais as traduções corretas desses membros da família, respectivamente?

Daughter-in-law, cousin, husband, aunt, wife, uncle, brother-in-law.

Quais as traduções corretas desses membros da família, respectivamente? Daughter-in-law, cousin, husband, aunt, wife, uncle, brother-in-law.

Nora, prima(primo), marido, tia, esposa, tio, cunhado.
Filha, primo(prima), avó, tia, marido, genro, irmão.
Filha, primo(prima), esposa, tio, marido, tia, cunhada.
Marido, filha(filho), nora, esposa, tio, tia, avô.
Molly and Arthur Weasley have seven children, Gina, Ronald, Fred, George, Percy, Guilherme and Carlos.

Ronald have...

Molly and Arthur Weasley have seven children, Gina, Ronald, Fred, George, Percy, Guilherme and Carlos. Ronald have...

Five brothers and one sister.
Seven brothers.
Six sisters and onde brother.
Six brothers and one sister.
Qual dessas alternativas mostra o "genitive case"?

Qual dessas alternativas mostra o "genitive case"?

Is Sabrina swimming?
Felipe is going to the party.
Bianca's father is tall
Marcelo is not running.

Qual está seguindo o "genitive case" corretamente?

Alya's and Nino book.
The boys' notebook.
Marinette' red earrings.
The table's foot.
O que a frase quis dizer?

O que a frase quis dizer?

Que apesar de que o passado possa nos machucar, podemos fugir dele ou aprender com ele.
Que devemos esquecer os nossos problemas, Hakuna matata.
Que o passado nos ensina algo toda vez que o esquecemos.
Que o passado não pode nos machucar e sim nos ensinar.
Qual desses está no Presente continuo corretamente?

Qual desses está no Presente continuo corretamente?

Does you how can i eat the meat?
The girl are looking for her teddy bear.
My father is visiting the United Kingdom.
The boys are walking?

Many people_____ new languages because it's good for the brain.(Study)
The Sun _____ in the east.(rise)
The maior and city cousellors______ new laws.(create)

Complete: Many people_____ new languages because it's good for the brain.(Study) The Sun _____ in the east.(rise) The maior and city cousellors______ new laws.(create)

Studyes, rises, creates.
Studies, rises, creaties.
Studys, risies, creates.
Studies, rises,creates.
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