Revisão múltiplos assuntos
Sugiro revisar: simple present, family members, directions, places in the city.
Atente-se ao texto abaixo para responder as próximas perguntas. A:Hello Alex, are you going to our cousin's party today? B:Hello Sam, Yes I'm going, what about you ? A:I want to go but I don't know how to get there. *Do you know the easiest way to get there* by car? B:Oh, from your house you can take a shortcut through the St Patrick park, and when you get out of there, go straight on B avenue and take the first right. She lives besides Walmart. 1. De acordo com a parte destacada do texto, Sam quer:
Saber o caminho mais fácil
Saber o caminho mais rápido
:Hello Alex, are you going to our cousin's party today? B:Hello Sam, Yes I'm going, what about you ? A:I want to go but I don't know how to get there. Do you know the easiest way to get there by car? B:Oh, from your house you can take a shortcut through the St Patrick park, and when you get out of there, go straight on B avenue and take the first right. She lives besides Walmart. 2. De acordo com o texto, onde os personagens estão indo ?
Para o casamento de um primo
Para a festa de um primo
Para a festa de seus primos
Para a festa de seu tio
:Hello Alex, are you going to our cousin's party today? B:Hello Sam, Yes I'm going, what about you ? A:I want to go but I don't know how to get there. *Do you know the easiest way to get there* by car? B:Oh, from your house you can take a shortcut through the St Patrick park, and when you get out of there, go straight on B avenue and take the first right. She lives besides Walmart. 3. De acordo com Alex, a casa fica:
Do outro lado da rua, ao lado do Walmart
Do lado do Walmart
Na frente do Walmart
Atente-se ao texto para responder às próximas perguntas. A: Good morning Manny, Can I get an iced caramel latte ? B: Good morning Claire, it's on the way. I saw you arrived very early at your Office today, is there any particular reason ? A: Nothing serious, I'm just trying to finish my chores early so that I can get to my daughter's presentation in time. B: Oh I get it, here's your coffee and good luck today A: Thanks Manny! 1. De acordo com o que Manny falou, onde Claire trabalha?
Em uma cafeteria
Em um hospital
Em um escritório
A: Good morning Manny, Can I get an iced caramel latte ? B: Good morning Claire, it's on the way. I saw you arrived very early at your Office today, is there any particular reason ? A: Nothing serious, I'm just trying to finish my chores early so that I can get to my daughter's presentation in time. B: Oh I get it, here's your coffee and good luck today A: Thanks Manny! 2. Claire chegou ao escritório:
Muito cedo
Muito atrasada
Muito feliz
No horário certo
A: Good morning Manny, Can I get an iced caramel latte ? B: Good morning Claire, it's on the way. I saw you arrived very early at your Office today, is there any particular reason ? A: *Nothing serious, I'm just trying to finish my chores early so that I can get to my daughter's presentation in time.* B: Oh I get it, here's your coffee and good luck today A: Thanks Manny! 3. Por que Claire chegou neste horário?
Para finalizar as tarefas cedo e ir para o aniversário de seu filho
Para finalizar as atividades cedo e ir para casa.
Para finalizar suas atividades cedo a tempo de chegar na apresentação de sua filha
A: Good morning Manny, Can I get an iced caramel latte ? B: Good morning Claire, it's on the way. I saw you arrived very early at your Office today, is there any particular reason ? A: Nothing serious, I'm just trying to finish my chores early so that I can get to my daughter's presentation in time. B: Oh I get it, here's your coffee and good luck today A: Thanks Manny! 4. Segundo sua interpretação do texto, onde e com o que Manny trabalha ?
Como barista em uma cafeteria
Como vendedor de hot dog
Manny é um colega do escritório