Revisão para a prova de inglês😉

Revisão para a prova de inglês😉


Imagem de perfil user: Panzitas games
Panzitas games


Marque a alternativa que completa as frases:
1. Naruto __ to fight with Pain.
2. I __ to study today.
3. My mom __ to work today.

Marque a alternativa que completa as frases: 1. Naruto __ to fight with Pain. 2. I __ to study today. 3. My mom __ to work today.

1. Has 2. Have 3. Doesn't have
1. Have 2. Has 3. Has
1. Doesn't have 2. Don't have 3. Have
Indique o trabalho que está na foto da questão 2 a 5.

Indique o trabalho que está na foto da questão 2 a 5.

Fashion designer




Police officer
Software developer


Police officer
Marque a alternativa que completa as frases:
1. Shikamaru never gets stressed. He is _____.
2. Hinata can't talk to Naruto. She is very _____.
3. Sakura is really _____. She always says "Good morning".

Marque a alternativa que completa as frases: 1. Shikamaru never gets stressed. He is _____. 2. Hinata can't talk to Naruto. She is very _____. 3. Sakura is really _____. She always says "Good morning".

1. Rude 2. Unhelpful 3. Cheerful
1. Easygoing 2. Shy 3. Polite
Marque a alternativa que completa as frases:
1. $500! You can't have that phone._______.
2. He isn't on the team because he_______.
3. Today it's really hot, but yesterday it was hotter! Today_______.

Marque a alternativa que completa as frases: 1. $500! You can't have that phone._______. 2. He isn't on the team because he_______. 3. Today it's really hot, but yesterday it was hotter! Today_______.

1. Isn't expensive enough 2. Too good 3. As hot as yesterday
1. Too expensive 2. Isn't good enough 3. Isn't as hot as yesterday
Marque a alternativa que completa as frases:
1. ___ tennis.
2. ___ surfing.
3. ___ trak and field.
4. ___ volleyball.
5. ___ skateboarding.

Marque a alternativa que completa as frases: 1. ___ tennis. 2. ___ surfing. 3. ___ trak and field. 4. ___ volleyball. 5. ___ skateboarding.

1. Play 2. Go 3. Do 4. Play 5. Go
1. Do 2. Play 3. Go 4. Go 5. Do
1. Play 2. Do 3. Play 4. Go 5. Do
Marque a alternativa que tem o superlativo correto dos adjetivos:
1. Popular 
2. Good
3. Long
4. Young 
5. Lazy

Marque a alternativa que tem o superlativo correto dos adjetivos: 1. Popular 2. Good 3. Long 4. Young 5. Lazy

1. The most popular 2. The better 3. The longest 4. The younger 5. The laziest
1. The most popular 2. The goodest 3. The longest 4. The youngest 5. The lazier
1. The most popular 2. The best 3. The longest 4. The Youngest 5. The Laziest
1. The populest 2. The most good 3. The youngest 5. The most lazy
Marque a alternativa que completa as frases:
1. When Susie___the ball to me, I decided to___. It was a great goal.

2. We___two goals in the last five minutes and we___the match.

Marque a alternativa que completa as frases: 1. When Susie___the ball to me, I decided to___. It was a great goal. 2. We___two goals in the last five minutes and we___the match.

1. Shoot - kicked 2. Catch - hit
1. Kicked - shoot 2. Score - won
1. Lose - throw 2. Score- kicked
Marque a alternativa que completa as frases:
1. You can___tennis against one other person, or in teams of two.

2. Goalkeepers___kick the ball in soccer.

3. A player can't___the ball in basketball.

Marque a alternativa que completa as frases: 1. You can___tennis against one other person, or in teams of two. 2. Goalkeepers___kick the ball in soccer. 3. A player can't___the ball in basketball.

1. Play 2. Can 3. Kicks
1. Play 2. Can 3. Kick
1. Plays 2. Can't 3. Kicks
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