What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar system?
Ollimpus Muns
Olympus Mons
What is the duration of the day in Mars?
It's 25.1 hours
It's 20.46 hours
It's 24.6 hours
Whow much planets are orbited by one or more natural satelites?
Six planets
Four planets
Seven planets
The rings of Saturn are formeded of what?
Lava, ice and rocks
Dust, ice and rocks
Rocks and ice
The volcano is...
Geological structure creared when magma, and hot particles 'escape' to the surface
Geological structure creared when gases and hot particles 'escape' to the surface
Geological structure creared when magma, gases and hot particles 'escape' to the surface
What are the elements of one volcano?
Ash cloud, gases, chimney, magmatic chamber, cone and crater
Ash cloud, gases, chimney, magmatic chamber, lava, secondary chimney, cone and crater
Ash cloud, gases, chimney, magmatic chamber, secondary chimney, cone and crater