Second Conditional

Second Conditional

questões para exercitar

Imagem de perfil user: Mary Januário
Mary Januário

Complete a frase com a forma correta do verbo usando o second conditional. If I ______ (be) a millionaire, I ______ (travel) around the world.

am / would travel
were / would travel
was / would travel

If she ______ (have) more time, she ______ (learn) how to play the guitar.

has / will learn
have / learn
had / would learn

If we ______ (live) in the USA, we ______ (celebrate) Thanksgiving every year.

lived / would celebrate
lived / celebrate

If I ______ (know) the answer, I ______ (tell) you.

knew / would tell
will/ knew
knew/will tell

If you ______ (study) harder, you ______ (pass) the exam easily.

study / will pass
studied / would pass
would pass/studied

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a estrutura da segunda condicional em inglês.

Simple Past +Would + verb
simple Present + will + verb
simple present + Simple present + imperative

Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase na Second conditional. If I __________ more money, I would travel around the world.

would have
will have

Marque a alternativa que esta ERRADA na Second conditional:

If I were you, I would visit my family next Saturday
If ask him nicely, he might lend you the book.
If I were rich, I would buy a Ferrari.

Marque a frase na Second Conditional com um desejo irreal.

If I had money, I would buy a TV.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a country like Argentina.
If I had money, I would buy a car.

Marque a alternativa correta sobre o que a Second conditional indica.

indica situações pouco prováveis
indica certeza absoluta
indica dúvida
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