será que você conhece os personagens de HAMILTON?

será que você conhece os personagens de HAMILTON?

Boa sorte que conhece o musical.

Imagem de perfil user: Manren Studios
Manren Studios


"talk less,smile more"

"talk less,smile more"

Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Aaron Burr
"i am ********** in The place to be"

"i am ********** in The place to be"

Marques de Laffayete
Hercules Muligan
John Laurens
"I am not throwing away my shot!"

"I am not throwing away my shot!"

James Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
Philip Hamilton
"I will kill your friends and family
To remind you of my love"

"I will kill your friends and family To remind you of my love"

Samuel Sabury
Charles lee
King George III
"What'd I Miss?"

"What'd I Miss?"

Aaron Burr
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
" i come back with more Guns and ships
And so the balance shifts"

" i come back with more Guns and ships And so the balance shifts"

Marques de Laffayete
Hercules Muligan
Thomas Jefferson
"we had a spy on the inside. That's right"

"we had a spy on the inside. That's right"

James Madison
Hercules Muligan
John Laurens
My friend ****** ********, red in the face

My friend ****** ********, red in the face

Alexander Hamilton
Hercules Muligan
James Madison
"You want a revolution? I want a revelation"

"You want a revolution? I want a revelation"

Angélica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynold
"Dooo! Boy you got me

"Dooo! Boy you got me Helpless!"

Theodosia Burr
Eliza Schuyler
Maria Reynald
"Daddy said to be home by sundown"

"Daddy said to be home by sundown"

Angelica Schuyler
Maria Reynald
Peggy Schuyler
"My husband's doin' me wrong
Beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me"

"My husband's doin' me wrong Beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me"

Peggy Schuyler
Eliza Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
"Yeah, you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday"

"Yeah, you'll blow us all away Someday, someday"

Theodosia Burr
Teodosia burr
Philip Hamilton
"I'm gonna need a right-hand man"

"I'm gonna need a right-hand man"

Samuel Subury
King George III
George Washington
"My name is ***** I am a poet, I wrote this poem just To show it."

"My name is ***** I am a poet, I wrote this poem just To show it."

Angélica Hamilton
Philip Hamilton
James Hamilton
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