Series- Gerund and Infinitive

Series- Gerund and Infinitive

This Quiz is about Series. Be prepared to choose the right form of the verb- Gerund or Infinitive!


Outlander- "For where all love is, the _________ is unnecessary"

Outlander- "For where all love is, the _________ is unnecessary"

To Speak
Gray’s Anatomy- “You knew finals were ________, and that the end was near, but you didn’t fully realize how much more effort you’d have to put into the semester before it ended.”

Gray’s Anatomy- “You knew finals were ________, and that the end was near, but you didn’t fully realize how much more effort you’d have to put into the semester before it ended.”

To come
Euphoria - “I just showed up without a map or a compass, and at some point, you have __________ a choice about who you are and what you want. And therein lies he catch.”

Euphoria - “I just showed up without a map or a compass, and at some point, you have __________ a choice about who you are and what you want. And therein lies he catch.”

To make
Everybody's Hates Chris- “________ a guy whose little brother made out is the furthest I've ever gotten with a girl."

Everybody's Hates Chris- “________ a guy whose little brother made out is the furthest I've ever gotten with a girl."

To know
ICarly- “Show me what you can become. There is a dream in everyone and it's all real. I'm ________ you how I feel.”

ICarly- “Show me what you can become. There is a dream in everyone and it's all real. I'm ________ you how I feel.”

To Tell
Mr Robot - “Control can sometimes be an illusion. But sometimes you need illusions _________ control. Fantasy is an easy way ________ meaning to the world"

Mr Robot - “Control can sometimes be an illusion. But sometimes you need illusions _________ control. Fantasy is an easy way ________ meaning to the world"

Gaining/ Giving
To gain/ To give
The Handmaid's Tale - “I shouldn’t have expected you __________. You have no idea what it is like _________ a child of your own flesh and blood. And you never will.”

The Handmaid's Tale - “I shouldn’t have expected you __________. You have no idea what it is like _________ a child of your own flesh and blood. And you never will.”

Understanding/ Having
To understand/ To have
Stranger Things- “I'm going to my friends. I'm ________- home.”

Stranger Things- “I'm going to my friends. I'm ________- home.”

To go
Dexter - “Monsters don’t get ________ happily ever after.”

Dexter - “Monsters don’t get ________ happily ever after.”

To live
Frends- “I need you __________ careful and efficient. And remember: If I’m harsh with you, it’s only because you are ____________ it wrong”

Frends- “I need you __________ careful and efficient. And remember: If I’m harsh with you, it’s only because you are ____________ it wrong”

To be/ Doing
Being/ To do
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