Shark attacks ( Exhibition )

Shark attacks ( Exhibition )
Miguel Araújo, Pedro Lobão, Theo, Renato and Heitor 

Why do sharks attack humans?

Because humans are polluting their habitats and fish die because of that
Because they like humans meat and are hungry
Because they want

What are types of shark you can find in Recife?

Mako shark and Tiger shark
Tiger shark and Bull shark
Hammerhead shark and Leopard shark

What are the places that have the most shark attacks?

Florida and Australia
Tokio and Paris
Recife and Rio de Janeiro

How you can find a Hammerhead shark in Recife?

In rare cases

Why sharks migrate to costal areas?

Because in costal areas, we have people
Because they don´t have anything to eat
Because other sharks are killing them

What is the most likely shark to attack in the world?

Tiger shark
Great White shark
Oceanic Whitetip shark
Bull shark

What is the cientific name of the Oceanic Whitetip shark?

Carcharias Taurus
Carcharhinus Longimanus
Carchadon Carcharias

Where Hammerhead sharks live?

Pacific, Indic and Atlantic
Antartic, Pacific and Artic
Atlantic, Indic and Antartic

How weights a Great White Shark in average?

680 kg - 1100 kg
400 kg - 1000 kg
560 kg - 1230 kg
1200 kg- 1600 kg
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