Star vs the Forces of Evil / SVTFOE Quiz (Hard) (EN version)

Star vs the Forces of Evil / SVTFOE Quiz (Hard) (EN version)

This quiz includes information all over the show and books, so be prepared

Imagem de perfil user: StarFan18


Which is Star's favorite earth food?

Which is Star's favorite earth food?

Honeydew boba tea
Marco's nachos
Tacos with sugar
How many time did Marco spent inside the neverzone on the first time? (His perspective)

How many time did Marco spent inside the neverzone on the first time? (His perspective)

18 years
5 minutes
16 years
17 years
According to Skywynne, why should you be careful when raising the dead?

According to Skywynne, why should you be careful when raising the dead?

The zombie will suffer for the rest of his "new life"
The user exchange his life for the resurrection
They will try to kill you
You may accidentally be haunted for the rest of your life
Who did Tom raised from the dead to make Marco trust him again?

Who did Tom raised from the dead to make Marco trust him again?

Mackie Hand
Dennis Avarius
Alfonzo Dolittle
To destroy the magic, Star used the whispering spell. What is the correct phrase to do the spell?

To destroy the magic, Star used the whispering spell. What is the correct phrase to do the spell?

Break the bond, tear the fabric, cleave the stone, stop the magic
Tear the stone, break the fabric, cleave the bond, stop the magic
Cleave the fabric, tear the bond, break the stone, stop the magic
Cleave the stone, break the bond, tear the fabric, stop the magic
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