Survey: Ecological Footprint quiz

Survey: Ecological Footprint quiz

Do you have a good footprint?

Imagem de perfil user: Thaiza Honorio de Paula

What do you do with a piece of trash when there is no trash can near you?

I just throw it somewhere
I bring it until I see a trash

Do you try to buy environmentally friendly products?

No/I don't know

How do you feel when you hear about global warming in the school?

I just don't care, it's not me
I feel bad, because we have been poluing the world without a stop

Have you or your parents ever donated time or money to an environmenal organization?

No, I've never/they've never
Yes, I've/they've

Is the environment around you in the school clean?

No, they don't care with the environment
Yes, they care about the environment here
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