Termine a música

Termine a música

Vão ser músicas internacionais

Imagem de perfil user: Kimberly Rodrigues
Kimberly Rodrigues


“Baby I just wanna...”

“Baby I just wanna...”

.“...wanna be you’re”
“....wanna be you”
“...wanna be yours”
“You’re obsessed, just let it go...”

“You’re obsessed, just let it go...”

“...you’re death to me”
“...you’re dead to me”
“...you’re live to me”

“I still remember...”

“...four of December”
“...third of December”
“...three of December”
“Take me to the rooftop, I wanna se the world...”

“Take me to the rooftop, I wanna se the world...”

“...when I stop leaving”
“...when I stop living”
“... when I stop breathing”
“I get tired and I get sick and then...”

“I get tired and I get sick and then...”

“...I lose the strength to leave”
“...I lose the freak to leave”
“...I lose the scared to leave”
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