Test your english- begginer level

Test your english- begginer level

begginer level- test

Imagem de perfil user: Gabrielle Silva
Gabrielle Silva



How do we say "ela precisa ir ao centro da cidade" in english?

she need to go to the city center
she needs to go to downtown
she needs to go downtown

How do you say "ele tem aula de inglês aos sábados ás 13:00 h" in english?

He have English classes on Saturdays at 13 p.m
He has English classes on Saturdays at 13 p.m
He have English classes in Saturdays on 13 p.m

How do you say " Eu não vou trabalhar as quartas feiras" in english?

I doesn't go to the work on Wednesdays
I don't go to work on Wednesdays
I don't go to the work on Wednesdays

How do you say " eu tenho que comprar pão na padaria de tarde" in english?

I have to buy bread at the bakery in this afternoon
I have to buy bread to the bakery in this afternoon

how do you say " Nós ajudamos nossa mãe limpar a casa todas as quintas feiras" in english?

We help our mother clean the house every tuesdays
We help your mother clean the house every tuesdays
We help our mother clean the house every thursdays

How do you say " Ele não quer ir lá com você" in english ?

He does not want to go there with you
He doesn't wants to go there with you
He don't want to go there with you

how do you say " Quando ela vai lá?" in english?

When does she go there?
When does she goes there ?
When do she goes there?

How do you say " Onde você mora ?" in english ?

Where do you live?
When do you live?
What do you live?

how do you say " o que você odeia fazer? " in english?

What do you hate to do?
When do you hate to do?
What do you like to do ?

How do you say " Mariah e John odeiam estudar Geografia " in english?

Mariah and John hates to study Geography
Mariah and John hate study Geography
Mariah and John hate to study Geography

How do you say " o que ela pensa sobre isso?" in english?

What do she thinks about this?
What does she thinks about this ?
What does she think about this?

How do you say " Eles acham que nós precisamos comprar roupas novas amanhã" in english

They think we need to buy new clothes
They think we need buy new clothes
They think we need to buy clothes new
Where are they?

Where are they?

They are at the bakery.
They is at the bakery
They are at the grocery store
where is she?

where is she?

She is at the clothes store at the mall
She is to the clothes store to the mall
Escolha a frase que mais faz sentido com imagem:

Escolha a frase que mais faz sentido com imagem:

They go to school on bus
Kids go to school by bus
Kids go to school on foot
Pick one sentence according to the image:

Pick one sentence according to the image:

He goes to work by car every day
He goes to work on foot every day
He goes to work on car every day
Pick the right phrase according to the image:

Pick the right phrase according to the image:

The hospital is in front of the museum
The city hall is behind the train station
Pick the right phrase according to the image:

Pick the right phrase according to the image:

The cat is in the box
The cat is on the box
Pick the right answer according to the image:

Pick the right answer according to the image:

The notebooks are on the table
the notebooks is in the table
The notebooks are in the table
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