Test Your English!

Test Your English!

Test your English level!

Imagem de perfil user: Gabriela Matuk
Gabriela Matuk



Translate the phrase: "Eu estou indo para a praia."

I went to the beache
I did went to the beach
I go to the beach
I am going to the beach.

What are the past tenses of the following verbs: Leave, run, writte, steal

Left, ran, wrote, stole
leaved, runned, writted, stealled
Left, ran, writted, stole
Lefted, ran, wrote, stolled

What are the forms of the verb to be in the present and past tense

Am, was
Are, is, was, were
Be, be, beed, beed
Am, are, is, was, were.

Organize the sentence: matter-- what-- the-- with-- you-- was.

Matter with you was what
Was what the matter with you
With you what was the matter
What was the matter with you

To ask a question in the simple past eith verb to be, we use...

are or is
Was or were
was or are
am or is

To make the negative form of the simple past of regular and irregular verbs, we use:

Did not or didn't
Didn't not
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