teste de inglês

teste de inglês

para se aprimorar no ingles



responda corretamente : what you would like ?

I would like one piece of chocolate cake.
I can have fries.
what is it in the picture????

what is it in the picture????

is a cake of strowberry
is a cake of strawberry
complete the menu:

complete the menu:

food: cheese sandwich drink: water
food: milkshake drink: orange juice

you can play football ??

no , I can
yes , I can't
no, I can't
names of foods:

names of foods:

watermelon, burgers, eggs, orange, cheese.
water, cake, grapes, popcorn.

what is the alternative has 3 things from the beach.

trees, sand, sea.
ice, beach, fish.
shell, sand, sea.
what do you want to go in holidays?

what do you want to go in holidays?

I not would like going to montain
I would like go to bech
I want to go to Paris
I wil go to roma
I want going to montain
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