The Blue Whales

The Blue Whales

This quiz is based on the slides we just showed, show that you paid attention to our presentation

Imagem de perfil user: Tina Hoffmann
Tina Hoffmann



What class of vertebrate do the Blue Whales belong to? 🐋


What is the scientific name of the Blue Whales? 🐋

Balaenoptera musculus
Musculus balaenoptera
Musculus balunos

What is the size of the Blue Whale? 🐋

31 - 32 Female, 28 - 30 Male
20 - 22 m Female, 23 - 24 m Male
23 – 24 m Female, 20 – 21 m Male

What do the Blue whales look like? 🐋

It has a long, hydrodynamic body with a grayish blue color and light spots
It has a long, dark blue color, with grey spots over its body

Where does it live? 🐋

This species are found in all oceans, except the pacific
This species are found in all oceans except the indian
This species are found in all oceans in the planet, except some regional seas

How long does it live? 🐋

90 - 100 years
70 - 80 years
80 - 90 years

How long does it live? 🐋

80 - 90 years
90 - 100 years
70 - 80 years

Are there any differences between the male and the female? 🐋

The male is smaller and lighter than the female
The female is smaller and lighter than the male
They have no differences

How does it reproduce? 🐋

The male introduces sperm into the female's body. The baby develops inside the female's uterus
the male puts the sperm in the water and the female the eggs, they come together and form eggs

What are its natural predators? 🐋

The Orca and bad human activities
Only human activities
Only the Orca

How does it move? 🐋

They use their flippers to move around
They use their fins to move
They move around by flapping their tails in the water
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