The boy whose parents didn't pay attention

The boy whose parents didn't pay attention

o menino que os pais não davam atencao porque estava viciados em jogos e programas de tv

Imagem de perfil user: bento paulino ferreira



Did the boy have his parents' attention?

He got a lot of attention from his parents
he didn't pay attention

What did the boy want most?

He wanted them to stay on the phone, computer and TV
The boy wanted all the gadgets to disappear

What did they realize when they connected with nature?

They realize they can be happy without gadgets.
They realized that with nature they spend more time on gadgets

After a few moments they decided to do what?

They decided that they will continue using the gadjes and that they will remain addicted
After some time together, they decide it's time to get their devices back, but now they value family time more.

In the end, what did the boy just want?

Less attention
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