The Breadwinner Quiz- level 3

The Breadwinner Quiz- level 3

This is the quiz level 3 of the book "The Breadwinner" From Deborah Ellis. It has 6 questions. that is all and good luck!

Imagem de perfil user: EBO Canadian
EBO Canadian



What was the illegal action that father did to make his daughers learn how to read and write?

He had illegal books hidden in his house
he had a secret school in their house
He sold illegal items.

What was the name of Parvanna's older brother that died long ago


How did he die?

He went out to work and never came back
Shot by a taliban
By a land mine

What event happened to Nooria for her to move to Mazar?

She was going to fight for her independence
She was getting away from that horrible war
She was going to get married

What was Parvanna's view on that

She thought that it was wrong for Nooria to be married that long and to leave Kabul
She didn't say anything
She was very comprehensive about it and was on board with the idea

Why did Nooria thought it was a good idea?

Because that way all her family could stay there
So that she could have a normal life with her new husband without the war and the taliban
Because she would be rich
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