Were maritime expeditions carried out by Europeans between the centuries.

Imagem de perfil user: Bryan Felipe
Bryan Felipe


1- What are the two countries that most stood out in the period of the Great Navigations and Maritime Discoveries of the XV and XVII centuries?

1- What are the two countries that most stood out in the period of the Great Navigations and Maritime Discoveries of the XV and XVII centuries?

Portugal and Spain
England and France
Portugal and Africa
2- Who were the main ones financiers of the maritime undertaking of the time of the Great Navigations?

2- Who were the main ones financiers of the maritime undertaking of the time of the Great Navigations?

Members of the Catholic clergy and small traders
Sailors and liberal professionals
Kings and burghers
3- Pioneer countryin the expansion maritime?

3- Pioneer countryin the expansion maritime?

4- To sail on the high seas, without reference the Portuguese navigators adopted, Earth's, mainly, a locating instrument that indicates the North. The name of this instrument is:

4- To sail on the high seas, without reference the Portuguese navigators adopted, Earth's, mainly, a locating instrument that indicates the North. The name of this instrument is:

5- Three important inventions contributed to the Great Navigations. What are they?

5- Three important inventions contributed to the Great Navigations. What are they?

The maps, the clock and the compass
The compass, planes and caravels
The compasses, the caravels and the astrolabe
6- What was the main objective of the maritime enterprises of the XV and XVII centuries?

6- What was the main objective of the maritime enterprises of the XV and XVII centuries?

Reach the extreme north of the American continent to start populating the region.
Establish and control new maritime routes to Oceania in order to exploit the region's mineral resources
Discover and control a sea route to the Indies to buy spices directly at the source and sell them at high profits in Europe
7- The first thing seen by the Portuguese when approaching Brazil was a mountain. What was the name given to this mountain?

7- The first thing seen by the Portuguese when approaching Brazil was a mountain. What was the name given to this mountain?

Mount Vera Cruz
Mount Pascoal
Mount Natal
8- Genoese navigator who sought to reach the Indies by sailing a different route from the Portuguese?

8- Genoese navigator who sought to reach the Indies by sailing a different route from the Portuguese?

Christopher Columbus
Vasco da Gama
Pedro Álvares Cabral
9- The Great Navigations are also known as?

9- The Great Navigations are also known as?

Maritime Expansion
Navigators' Expeditions
Path of the Indies
10- The exploration process of the Great Navigations took place in which ocean?

10- The exploration process of the Great Navigations took place in which ocean?

Atlantic Ocean
Mediterranean Ocean
Pacific Ocean
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