The linking words

The linking words
Studying the linking words 

what are linking words???

are types of poetry
They are conjunctions that connect sentences.

What is the linking word because used for?

It's not used for anything
is used to indicate the reason for something, assuming the same meaning as “because” or “because of” in the Portuguese language.

What is "but" used for?

It is used to introduce a contrast with the previous one.
and used to end sentences

"and" is used for what?

is used to indicate that the sentence is beginning
It is used as if it were the connective “e” in Portuguese

What are the types of linking words?

Coordinates and subordinates
Just subordinates

Importance of Linking Words

they help you establish logical connections between ideas, allowing you to express your opinion in a clear and organized way.
they don't help at all

In which sentences does "because" appear?

It is common in interrogative sentences
It is common in affirmative and negative sentences,

In which sentences does "and" appear?

additional conjunction
Negative conjunction

But what is used for?

And a affirmative
and an opposition

What is the linking word of this text? "My brother needs to study geography and I need to finish my history homework today."

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