The Modern World of Information
The modern world is defined by a continuous and accelerated flow of information. With the advancement of digital technologies, access to information has never been faster, broader, or more accessible. The internet, mobile devices, and social media have transformed how we produce, consume, and share knowledge, influencing every aspect of human life from education to the economy, from politics to culture.
What characterizes the modern world of information?
Exclusive access for specialists.
Rapid and broad accessibility thanks to digital technologies.
A slowdown in the flow of information.
The difficulty of accessing reliable sources.
What is one of the main consequences of information overload?
Faster and more effective decision-making.
Greater focus on specific tasks.
Increased ability to identify fake news.
Decision fatigue and difficulty making informed choices.
Which of the following is a key characteristic of Wikipedia?
Exclusivity for scientific information.
Collaborative knowledge and free access.
Paid access restricted to registered users.
Only experts can contribute content.
What often contributes to the spread of fake news?
Rigorous maintenance of reliable sources.
Emotionally charged headlines and sensational stories.
Banning social media as a news source.
Strict auditing by independent experts.
What is the most important skill for dealing with misinformation in the digital world?
Developing critical thinking skills and evaluating source credibility.
Avoiding all online sources of information.
Learning to use social media passively.
Trusting only sources that agree with your opinions.
Which of the following strategies helps protect against misinformation?
Verifying information, seeking diverse sources, and applying critical thinking.
Completely ignoring social media.
Relying on only one source of information.
Avoiding news about global events.